Blistered Potatoes

Blistered potatoes are a staple in our house as they are an easy and healthy way to fill an empty tummy.  This recipe works well with sweet potatoes as well as white potatoes.  Be sure to trydifferent spice combinations.  We often use different spice blends at the same time by spicing different sections of the cookie sheet.


  • As many potatoes as you need, any variety will do
  • Baking spray
  • Garlic powder
  • Onion powder
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Cayenne pepper, optional, for a spicy potato


  1. Wash potatoes (peeling is optional unless using sweet potatoes)
  2. Slice potatoes in any shape, approximately ¼ inch thick
  3. Spray a cookie sheet with baking spray and place potatoes in a single layer on the tray.
  4. Sprinkle potatoes with garlic and/or onion powder and salt and pepper.  (Try using different spice combinations)
  5. Lightly spray potato slices with baking spray and bake at 425 degrees until undersides are brown.  Turn over potatoes and brown the other side.

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