
Nancy Walker is a published author, freelance writer, motivational speaker, life-style coach and health educator.  Nancy holds a Masters of Science degree and has been a total vegetarian for over 14 years, happily married for 35 years and a homeschooling mother to two beautiful young children, age 15
and 13.  Nancy is also an accomplished vegetarian cook and teaches others through classes, seminars, personal instruction and videos how to prepare healthy, easy and tasty meals.  As a former owner of a large retail and wholesale produce business, she is very familiar with all aspects of produce including cultivation, selection, marketing and preparation.  Nancy also loves to bicycle, speed walk, weight lift and run.  She is contemplating entering her first sprint triathlon and has begun training with that in mind.

Nancy’s personal dedication to health and wellness springs from her long family history of heart disease and diabetes.  She saw first-hand how these chronic diseases stole her parent’s vitality, happiness, quality of life, finances and future.  After her mother passed away from diabetes and all its complications, Nancy has been committed to her own personal health and that of her family’s.  She is also driven to helping others learn how to radically improve their own health through simple personal choices and steps.  Nancy’s message is one of freedom, not bondage; vibrant living, not listless existence; margin, not stretched beyond one’s limits; spiritual strength, not aimless wandering; full relationships, not sterile environments; joy, not sorrow.

Why we do what we do…

People always ask me, “If you don’t eat any eggs, meat or dairy…..just WHAT do you eat?” I always respond the same, “There is more wonderful, healthy and most importantly delicious food to eat than I would ever have time to fix.” My goal is to help you get from wherever you are in your eating habits, to wherever you want to go…painlessly and deliciously! No, I am not an animal rights advocate, and no, I am not a “granola”. I am an orphan who lost both parents too early to diabetes and heart disease, and have decided to do what I can to make sure my husband and I are around a long time and in great health for as long as we are here. I owe that to my children and their future children. So, let’s have fun and let’s get our taste buds geared up for some of the easiest and best tasting food there is. Your body will love you for it!