Baby Bok Choy with Cashews

If you can find baby bok choy, use it; if not, any bok choy or cabbage will work in this dish. The sesame oil conveys a great flavor and can be found in the ethnic aisle of all grocers – look in the Asian section.


  • 2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 1 cup chopped green onions, including green ends
  • 3 cloves garlic, chopped
  • 1 pound baby bok choy, rinsed, larger leaves separated from base, base trimmed but still present, holding the smaller leaves together
  • 1/2 teaspoon dark sesame oil
  • Salt
  • 1/2 cup chopped, roasted, salted cashews


  1. Heat olive oil in a large sauté pan on medium high heat. Add onions, then garlic, then bok choy. Sprinkle with sesame oil and salt. Cover, and let the baby bok choy cook down for approximately 3 minutes. (Like spinach, when cooked, the bok choy will wilt a bit.)
  2. Remove cover. Lower heat to low. Stir and let cook for a minute or two longer, until the bok choy is just cooked.
  3. Gently mix in cashews.

Serves 4.

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

1 Nancy March 14, 2012 at 1:35 pm

I almost never make a recipe the same way twice! I always vary ingredients, depending on what I have on hand or the mood I’m in. Please use these recipes as a guide and feel free to adjust them accordingly to your individual likes/dislikes as you see fit.


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